Fiona Frensche

Mailbag...Your comments are appreciated! The new CD is slated for a Spring release. Any requests?

Contact Me, Fiona Frensche the woman behind that girl Ashley Wilkes!
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Mailbag...Your comments are appreciated! The new CD is slated for a Spring release. Any requests?

On this page, I'll share some of the comments I've received in my Guestbook and via e-mail.  I really appreciate your taking the time to write. Please keep in touch.

"Fiona and Deni,
I'm one of the two guys from New Orleans on the Norwegian ship the first week in January.  ...I just wanted to let you know that I'm listening to my Grande Tourismo CD for the millioneth time.  You've got a wonderful voice, and I like your choice of material.  We hope to catch your performance at Jazz Fest.
Best wishes,
Michael & Matt"
"Fiona & Denny:
Hello from Arkansas.  Michele and I met you guys on the Norwegian Dream in January.  (Michele was the Birthday Girl).  We've been listening to the CD's and have really enjoyed them.  We just wanted to say hello and tell you how great the music was on the cruise. We'd love to come see you guys if you are anywhere close.  Good luck on you transplantation to New Orleans. 
Ta Ta For Now, Tina & Michele"

If you are strolling in the west village, drop by the street market on Houston betw. Sullivan and MacDougal St.  Your pets and pals can be  portraitsized by artist Joanne Dimauro.  She is truly the darling of the canine and feline world.